Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The 21 Day Facebook Fast: Day 2

Today is the second day in my 21 day fast from Facebook, and I must admit it has not come without temptation. It sounds silly, doesn't it?

As I explained before, I am fasting from my personal Facebook account. I have a work account that I created under a generic name, because part of my job is to post the news to the ClarksvilleNow Facebook page. It's a requirement, but I still felt that the Lord was telling me I needed to step back from my personal page as it has taken my focus from other more important things.

For instance, I spend more time checking on and posting to Facebook than I spend in prayer or reading my bible. (Yes, I just admitted that.) I catch myself checking it while I am cleaning, or having dinner with my family. I have allowed it to take my attention, and I have felt very convicted about it. So, it was the obvious choice to me when I decided to fast.


Temptation has hit me quite a bit today. Almost to the point that I debated whether or not to even post to the ClarksvilleNow Facebook page. I wanted to see what my friends were saying, how their days were going, etc. The trigger for that happened this morning.

I was telling my mom that I was fasting from Facebook, and she told me, "Well there was something on Facebook this morning that you might want to know about...Lynn's (my cousin and lifelong best friend) son had a seizure last night."

My heart started going crazy. Lynn had called me last night, and I saw it on my missed call list this morning. I remembered thinking it was odd thar she called so late, but never once thought it could have been something so severe. I felt guilt for not knowing about it, and for not having read about it.

Now, in hindsight, I see the complete irrationality of that statement. Lynn called me last night to tell me about it, so there was no need for me to read about it on Facebook. I did get in touch with her, and her little boy is doing great now. But isn't it funny how the devil used that situation to invoke such extreme guilt? I felt disconnected, but it's like I have said, "If someone needs to get ahold of me they can email or call me." Lynn called me. There was no need for me to read it on Facebook whatsoever.

21 Day Fast Reading Plan

This evening I started day two of my reading plan listed above. Today it talked about telling your friends about your fast so they can keep you accountable. This is the biggest part of the reason that I am sharing this journey with you. I ask that you all keep me in your prayers for the next nineteen days, and keep me accountable.

Big thanks & love,


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